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Benefits of Breastfeeding
  • Strengthens your child's immune system
  • Lower's your child's risk of SIDS, childhood cancer, childhood diabetes, childhood obesity, RSV, asthma, diarrhea and vomiting, as well as many other childhood illnesses
  • Lowers mom's risk for breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis, and postpartum depression
Importance of a Good Latch
Breastfeeding SHOULD NOT HURT! If your baby is latching correctly, nursing should not be painful. We encourage the "chin first" method of latching so taht your baby will latch past your nipple and onto your breast tissue, avoiding a more shallow, painful latch.

Signs of Milk Transfer
  • You will hear and see swallows while baby nurses
  • Your baby will have adequate wet and dirty diapers (minimums below):
    • ​Day 1: 1 wet and 1 stool
    • Day 2: 2 wets and 2 stools
    • Day 3: 3 wets and 3 stools
    • Day 4: 4 wets and 4 stools
  • Your breasts will soften as the milk leaves your breast and goes to your baby
  • Your baby will gain at lesat 0.7 to 1 ounce/day after day 4 to 5 of life
    Feeding Frequency
    Nurse your baby at least every 2-3 hours, more often if showing hunger cues. The first week of life, babies sleep much of the time. If baby is still sleeping 3 hours from the beginning of the previous feed, wake them up to nurse. Breastmilk is digested quickly and it is easy on the stomach, so your baby will need to nurse more frequently than formula fed infants. Frequent and effective removal of milk from the breast is also what will build your supply.

    Information provided by Mommy & Me Lactation Services. 

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