Lactation Services

Mommy & Me Lactation Services

Mommy & Me Lactation Services is located in West Alabama Pediatrics and provides Prenatal & Lactation Consultations by International Board-Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC) and Certified Lactation Counselors (CLC).

Prenatal Consultations

We strongly encourage parents-to-be to visit our office for a prenatal appointment. This is a great way to get acquainted with our office and our doctors. Prenatal consultations provide a private one-on-one environment to discuss the importance of breastmilk for the growth of your baby. Research has shown that being educated on breastfeeding before delivery improves your chances of successfully meeting your breastfeeding goals. Hands-on demonstrations of latching techniques and positioning are valuable for visual learning. The physicians of West Alabama Pediatrics are available for a meet and greet at this visit.  During this visit, we will answer any questions that you have about our practice or your new child.

The first prenatal appointment is typically between 20-24 weeks gestation and the second prenatal between 34-37 weeks gestation. In these appointments we will review the benefits of breastfeeding, proper latching, newborn care, along with how to purchase and use your breast pump. We find these appointments beneficial for both mom and dad to attend. 

Postpartum consultations are offered after discharge from the hospital to ensure adequate growth of your newborn and address any breastfeeding problems with our Lactation Consultants. We will follow your baby's progress closely until you are comfortable and confident in your breastfeeding ability.

Your newborn will see his or her pediatrician and have a lactation visit within 2-3 days after discharge from the hospital. Additional lactation visits and visits with your pediatrician are available to assist you with any breastfeeding needs.

Postpartum Consultations

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