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How do I take care of my breasts?
During pregnancy, the oil glands around the nipple become more active, moisturizing and protecting the skin. When you bathe, wash your breasts with warm water only. Don’t use soaps or lotions because they aren’t necessary and may be irritating.
You will probably have to purchase new bras as your breasts grow during pregnancy. Nursing bras have fasteners in the front to allow for easy access for feeding.
When your milk comes in, your breasts will go from feeling soft to firm. If your nipples leak, use an absorbent pad to catch the leaking milk. Do not use plastic-lined pads because they prevent air from circulating around your nipples.
Your obstetrician should examine your breasts and nipples during pregnancy and yearly check-ups. You should learn how to do a breast self-exam. Self-exams should be done monthly during and after pregnancy. If you plan to prepare your breasts or nipples in any special way based on cultural practices, discuss this with your doctor.
What is engorgement?

Expect your breasts to get bigger and your nipples to feel tender when you first start breastfeeding. Engorgement occurs when your breasts become too full. This often occurs if you have not been breastfeeding often enough or are not draining your breasts adequately. Feeding on demand ensures that your baby’s hunger is satisfied and helps prevent engorgement.
If your breasts become engorged, try the following:
  • Using cool compresses or ice packs after feeding to relieve your discomfort and reduce swelling. Gently massage your breasts from under the arm and down toward the nipple.
  • Different positions during feeding, such as lying down or using football hold
  • Expressing some milk before you breastfeed, either manually or with a breast pump. This may be needed to allow the baby to latch on properly.
  • Pain medicines such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
What should I do for sore nipples?
Get help right away if your nipples are sore. Breastfeeding shouldn’t make your nipples sore. Most often, soreness is caused by a shallow or incorrect latching position. Many women think they have to wait and “tough it out,” but this only makes it harder to treat the problem. If you have nipple pain that continues after the latch-on, pain all throughout the feeding, open cracks, or bleeding, you need to be seen by your doctor or a lactation specialist.
What are blocked or plugged ducts?
Sometimes an area of the breast becomes blocked or plugged. The area is firm and painful and may be slightly red, but the mother is otherwise healthy. Treatments for blocked ducts are ice/cool compresses, gently massaging the area before and during feeding, and regular drainage of the breast by feeding or milk expression. If the blockage doesn’t clear within 48 hours, call your doctor. Sometimes a blocked or plugged duct will lead to a breast

Adapted from information from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

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